5 Reasons It’s Okay to Travel Without Your Kids

My husband, Nic and I on our honeymoon at Windsor Castle in England

Ever want to just take a break from the kiddos but feel like it isn’t allowed? Do you feel like the only time you have for yourself is when you go to the bathroom? Sometimes you don’t even need to pee, just need a flippin moment of peace.

I felt that way too but learned that I am allowed to have my own life outside the grasp of teenager land. You are an adult. You make money. You deserve a vacation! Here’s why.

Mom and I at San Diego Comic Con

#1. You will be a better parent if you take care of yourself first.

Remember every time you fly on a plane and they announce “Put the oxygen mask over your mouth first, then assist those around you.” There is a reason for that! You have to be a sane parent in order to be a good parent. Self care is crucial if you want to survive your little darlings transitioning into teenagers.

Nic and I at Crater Lake in Oregon

2. Do What YOU Want to do on Vacation

Let’s face it, kids run the show most of the time on vacations but not this time! Now you get to set your own itinerary and stay out as late as you want. Or, if you are like me, still go to bed early-ish but who is in charge of that? You are. You can actually go to an expensive restaurant without worries about kids being loud or not liking the food. you can afford more expensive outings for yourself (or I suppose your significant other too.) You could even go to a bar if you choose. The possibilities are limitless!

Honeymoon in Southern Spain

3. Meet More New People

Sometimes when kids are around, you don’t have a chance to sit around the poolside restaurant and just chat with adults. I met countless amazing people on vacations without my kids because I wasn’t so focused on teenage needs, I got to focus a bit on me and being social.

My mother and I in Greece at the Temple of Poseidon with some new friends we made on a tour.

4. Bonding with your Spouse

My husband and I on an adults only trip to the coast.

Mom and Dad need some time together too. To keep a marriage strong and exciting, it takes a lot of effort. Going on awesome adventures is a great way to spark love! When you are lying on a tropical beach or staring at the Eiffel Tower with your partner, all the sudden trivial problems like who does the dishes are set aside and new priorities put in place.

5. You get to Miss Your Kids

Ever heard that saying,”I can’t miss you if you don’t leave”? It is so true. Maybe it is a curse, most likely it is just love but when you are apart from your kiddos, you miss them. You also appreciate them more because you start to realize how big a part of you they truly are. This makes everything better when you get home and are reunited. You are refreshed, renewed, and ready for the next dramatic episode in this adventure called parenting.

Harry Potter Theme Event

If you were looking for permission to go on a vacation without your kiddos, consider it granted! Honestly, you didn’t need it anyways 🙂 Please let me know how your trip went in the comments below and subscribe to this blog to get even more tips for couple and family bliss.

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