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Easy Science Lessons For Kids and Teens to do at Home: Birthday Constellations

Easy Science Lessons For Kids and Teens to do at Home: Birthday Constellations

Who else is bored at home with kids, tweens, and teens? I know I am! Since I have worked with kids and teens for over 14 years, I have a few go-to Science experiments and labs that are fun, engaging and take up a bit of time. I currently teach Science, Conservation Biology, and Health so I am pretty good at thinking on the fly and making learning fun. Feel free to adapt these lessons to fit the needs of your kiddos abilities and age but most importantly, let them enjoy themselves through the wonders of Science! I’ll post more activities each week so please subscribe below to get notified with new Science activities to do at home.

Birthday Idea During Coronavirus Outbreak, Constellation Science Project

Birthday Constellation Project

Zodiac Sign With Dates

This lesson can lead to hours of discovery if pitched correctly. What kid doesn’t want to talk about and learn about their birthday? (It is also a great project for kids who have birthdays during Coronavirus outbreak.) My son is in that category and felt bummed that he couldn’t have a normal party so we got creative.

Supplies Needed:

  1. Colored Construction Paper (black or dark blue preferably)
  2. Silver sharpie or white-out pen (if you don’t have these, I have used toothpicks or even q-tips in desperate supply times)
  3. Ruler
  4. Bonus Supply- If you have any star-shaped stickers or even glow in the dark stars, they make this project prettier.
  5. Computer if you plan to do additional research

Project Instructions:

Using the birthday chart above, figure out your child’s zodiac sign. Then, using the constellations below, see what constellation corresponds with their birthday. Some kids, especially older ones, may already know this information, good for them! After you select the constellation you want, mark the main stars on the paper with silver sharpie creating large dots or star shapes. Then, using the ruler, connect the stars using the picture below as a guide. Write the name of the constellation below and boom, you are done!

To make this project more educational, have your child research their constellation and label its main stars. They can also see where their constellation is currently in the night sky by looking online. To take this lesson even further, there are some free apps to download on your phone or iPad where you can point your device to the sky and see where the constellations are. I like SkyView Lite because it’s free!

Warning: You may end up with a ton of these constellation pictures all over your child’s room! It is really fun when your kiddo decides to tape them up on their ceiling so they have an indoor night sky.

Zodiac Sign With Constellation Chart

Additional Projects

If you want an even more advanced project with additional supplies such as canvas and fairy lights, check out the video below.

Did you try this Science project for kids? How did it go? Please let me know in the comments below. For more Science activities for kids to do at home, please check out my other blog posts and subscribe below so you can stay up to date and keep kids and teens entertained indoors.

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